We were contacted by Manchester Youth Network to ask if we would like to take part in an after school club at Ceracyclone. Ceracyclone is a bike shop in Stockport that sells bikes, repairs bikes, runs work shops and mentoring sessions and does a brilliant after school club which they have offered us.
They are offering 12 young people the opportunity to attend their bike maintenance classes and learn how to repair, strip their bikes, clean and make them run better and generally how to look after and make their bikes roadworthy and safe. Each course lasts 6 weeks and runs from 2.30pm to 5.00pm. At the end of the six weeks each pupil will receive a tool kit with everything in it that they need to look after and repair their bikes.
Ceracyclone’s Statement
Our mission is to provide all participants with the same opportunity to productively engage in forging a fairer, safer and more inclusive society. We do this through the promotion of the value of education, a strong restorative ethos and volunteering opportunities. Our vision is to actively promote restorative approaches backed with the value of education to increase both personal development and individual life chances.