
Our curriculum offer seeks to follow the National Curriculum prioritising emotional wellbeing alongside academic achievements in order to meet the individual needs of our pupils, this is exemplified by regular assessment to enable us to gauge the level of students. We will then produce work that is differentiated to promote student success in science.

Also, the curriculum is strategically planned to scaffold the skills required to make successful progress demonstrated through ensuring subject content and working scientifically at KS3 lays the foundation for teaching at KS4.

We strive to enthuse and prepare our young people for the wider world to develop the skills imperative to our pupils’ ability to cope in the wider world and their ability to sustain employment this is incorporated through teamwork, promoting communication and literacy skills in all science lessons and science in the wider world. We also incorporate STEM experience as part of the curriculum.

 A knowledge-engaged curriculum is promoted and facilitated through linking science lessons to the real world and promoting learning outdoors where possible.

Our ambition for all pupils, is to be given opportunities that will offer them the best understanding of how to be successful in 21st Century Britain.; we prioritise communication and literacy skills in every lesson.

Cultural capital is provided through a programme of off-site visits and experiences: The Science Museum, Manchester; Jodrell Bank Observatory; The Big Brain Event, Manchester University; Visits from STEM Ambassadors and Manchester University students.

We strive to ensure our young people are developing the skills and knowledge they need to make and implement informed and aspirational career decisions throughout their working life. We do so through our ‘Starting Work in the Science Sector’ unit of work in Year 11, which focus’ on careers available in the STEM industry, this works alongside our careers programme. We pride ourselves on our high expectations of what our young people can achieve this is celebrated through pupils being more confident individuals, being able to understand Science in the world and achieving a qualification in Science. Excellent work and attitudes to learning are celebrated in reward assemblies, postcards home and end of term reward trips.

Curriculum Planning for Science